
What are the steps to 应用 as a transfer student?
如果你申请KU体育官网APP,在高中毕业后获得了超过12个大专学分, you are considered a transfer student.

  • Complete and submit the online application.
  • Pay the non-refundable $30 application fee.
  • Submit official transcripts from ALL colleges or universities attended.
  • Official high school transcripts
  • SAT/ACT/CLT scores (sent directly from testing agencies)

Note – Limited access programs may require supplemental items. 有关其他入学要求,请与FAU相关学院或部门联系.

What are the application deadlines for transfer 学生?
最后期限 vary based on term of entry.  View application deadlines .
How do I submit my college transcript(s)?
All institutions are different, 因此,我们鼓励您联系您的学院或大学的注册或学生服务办公室,以确定他们如何发送正式成绩单. 大多数院校都会在网上为学生提供正式的成绩单申请流程.

的re are two ways to submit your official transcripts:

Electronically (preferred)
Faster (all Florida public institutions)
Naviance (Typically used by private high schools)
SMART/Joint Service Transcript (military records)
National Student Clearinghouse

硬拷贝- U.S. 邮政服务
从KU体育高中和/或大学直接寄来的成绩单,放在密封的信封里(如果密封坏了), we cannot accept the transcript as official). If a hard copy is submitted, additional time for evaluation will be required. Official transcripts can be mailed to the following address:

Office of Undergraduate Admissions 
Florida Atlantic University 
空地道777号 – SU80 
P.O. 3091箱
佛罗里达州博卡拉顿. 33431-0991

请注意, 如果成绩单递送服务要求您提供要发送成绩单的电子邮件地址, 请使用 admissions@blueroseent.net.
是的. KU体育申请将不予处理,除非我们收到正式成绩单 每一个 college/university you have attended. Please keep in mind that they need to be received by the application deadline.
我现在还在我现在学校的最后一个学期,还没有拿到A,我可以申请吗.A. or earned 60 credits yet?

是的. You will need to fill out the application, pay the application fee, 并在申请截止日期前提交你打算在KU体育官网APP开始的学期的最新官方成绩单.

如果你等到你在当前学校的最后一个学期结束后再申请, you will miss the application deadline. 完成课程后,请将最终成绩单提交giveKU体育部门.

I am an FAU alum and want to get my second Bachelor’s degree. 我可以只注册课程吗?还是我必须完成整个申请过程?

An application is required for each new degree program. 你必须 complete the online application and choose the option “Second Bachelors.”

如果你从FAU毕业后在其他机构修过大学水平的课程, you will need to submit the official transcript(s) from those institutions.

How do I check my application status?
What do I do after I’ve been accepted?

祝贺你! 为了使KU体育录取正式生效,你必须在KU体育成绩单上提交不可退还的入学保证金  Owldone门户. 您的押金必须在5月1日之前支付,如果您在5月1日之后被录取,则必须在入学后两周内支付. 

If this is your first time logging into Owldone, click “Claim FAUNet ID” and follow the instructions to activate your FAUNet ID. 你可以 then log in to Owldone and click “Pay Admissions Deposit.” 

Learn more about admissions deposits.


不幸的是,只有申请FAU的学生的成绩单才会被评估. 但是,你可以 check how your credits transfer using our online 转移 Equivalency Tool.

如果你想询问你以前的学校的成绩单是否会被FAU接受,根据你以前的学校的认证, please feel free to contact the Office of Undergraduate Admissions.

Can I transfer as a Junior with my Associate of Science degree?
转理学副学士学位的学生将需要参加额外的课程,以满足他们当前机构的大学通识教育要求(教育的智力基础), or obtain an Associate of Arts degree.

如果KU体育AS与FAU的一个项目有关(并且你符合所有的入学要求), you will be admitted to the university, 你可以在哪里完成余下的知识基础教育课程.
I won’t be able to attend the term for which I was accepted. Can I attend the next term?

Admissions to FAU is term specific. If you wish to defer your application or admissions decision, you must complete a change of entry form. Your application is valid for three consecutive semesters, which means you are allowed to change your entry date twice. 你可以 complete a change of entry form online.


Who do I speak to if I don’t know what to major in yet?

If you have not been admitted to FAU, 你可以访问你当前学校的就业服务中心,也可以KU体育的转学KU体育顾问.

If you have been admitted to FAU, please contact our 职业中心 at:

  • Broward 校园: (954) 236-1214
  • 波卡拉顿 Campus: (561) 297-3533
Can I speak with an academic advisor before I 应用?
不幸的是, due to the large number of student to advisor ratio, not all academic advisors meet with prospective 学生. 请随时联系本科KU体育办公室,看看KU体育顾问是否能看到未来的学生.
Do I qualify for 转移 奖学金?

In order to be considered for 转移 奖学金, 学生必须在奖学金申请截止日期前提交补充奖学金申请.

请注意,满足奖学金要求并不能保证你将获得任何奖学金, as they are limited and competitive.

I missed the deadline for the 转移 奖学金. Are there any other scholarships I can 应用 for?
If you have missed the deadline for the transfer scholarships, 你可以访问财政援助部门和KU体育学术顾问询问其他奖学金机会.
What programs are offered at each of the campuses?
Most degree programs are offered at the 波卡拉顿 campus, 但学生可以联系本科KU体育办公室询问校园的课程设置. 转校生在FAU的合作校区只开设高年级课程.
What is the difference between degree-seeking and non-degree seeking?

Non-degree courses can be taken for enrichment, 认证, 或者满足进入研究生学位课程的预接受要求. 的 Registrar's Office processes all non-degree applications.



所有通识教育课程和先决条件(1000级和2000级课程)仅在博卡拉顿校区提供, but some may be available online.


What online programs do you offer?
Can I enroll at two institutions at the same time? (e.g. 在KU体育官网APP开始我的文学学士课程,同时在布劳沃德学院完成我的文学学士学位。
一名学生不得同时在两所院校攻读学位, 但学生在完成当前学校的学位时,可以在未来一个学期被KU体育官网APP录取, or be enrolled at FAU (home school) and be a transient student in another.